I just had my first lesson in the upkeep on this new site. (built in Word Press.) It all seems fairly easy — at least to my webmaster. <grin> It’s great to have something new to learn. It will keep my brain functioning well. A few years ago I was learning Spanish from an online friend. It sharpened my mind so efficiently that I had to revert back to English by 9:00 pm or I would lie in bed attempting to translate my thoughts into Spanish. The longer I did it, the more wide awake I became. So, I won’t be updating this site close to my bedtime.

Between the research on the Internet and learning new computer programs I have limitless opportunities to keep my brain cells active. At the rate I’m going my brain should be continuing to make new connections right up until the very end. My uncle’s mind remained as sharp as it had ever been till he passed at 88. I’m setting my intention — and my activities — to be just like him.