It’s been just over a year since I uprooted my whole life and moved to San Diego. And what a journey it’s been. I felt completely disoriented for at least four months. Leaving the house for anything other than groceries was huge because I just didn’t know where anything was.

Since I have always enjoyed change, I was surprised at how difficult it was to make this — desired and beneficial — change. After all, I was moving toward family and love. My whole family lives in Bakersfield and south.

In the last year I’ve noticed

…that I crave carbs less because I feel filled up with love from my family.

…that my meditations are deeper. Perhaps because I’ve slowed down.

…that moving opens upexpected opportunities.

…that I am much more creative when I take time off to play.

…that I don’t have to do everything on my own. It’s nice to teach with a partner, for example.

…that life is more enjoyable when I trust what I can’t see or know… yet.

And, as I said last month, I do want to “see” and “know” more. So here is an exercise that I’ve found to be very helpful in improving my clairvoyance.

Open Your Third Eye

Make yourself comfortable and then take a deep breath. Close your eyes now and imagine that the room has filled with a beautiful, golden light. Breathe into the light, filling your lungs, then slowly exhale.

Now, take a look at your third eye. See or sense if it’s open or closed. If it’s closed, breathe more of the golden light into your head and exhale through your third eye. You may feel a slight pressure as your third eye opens. Continue to breathe golden light out through your third eye as you inhale and exhale.

If any limiting beliefs come up, simply be willing to release those beliefs to Spirit.

As your third eye opens, set your intention to keep it open, knowing that you can close it anytime that you wish. Take a deep breath, stretch and open your eyes.

From Divine Guidance, Doreen Virtue