Initial Hypnotherapy Interview DVD

Initial Hypnotherapy Interview & Sessions

2 CE Hours

Interview_DVD004Hypnotherapists: Study at Home and earn CE hours 

A thorough initial hypnotherapy interview is a critical part of your success in subsequent sessions. This DVD demonstrates rapport building, interview skills, educating the client, goal setting and tapping the client’s imagination. Ensure that you are taking the time to get to know your client before proceeding with the work.

If you are new to the field of hypnotherapy or simply need a refresher, this is a valuable demonstration.

While nothing replaces in-person classroom training, you can polish your techniques by studying other people’s styles. With our DVD series you can now improve your skills in the comfort of your own home.

The client’s goal was to reduce the mental fog associated with peri-menopause.

In her follow up session we worked on relieving peri-menopausal symptoms. this session demonstrates how to conduct a follow up session and build on the previous session. The client’s goal was to reduce irritability and hot flashes.

Kind Comment:

[About the Initial Interview DVD] “…as usual, it was excellent. I’m so sorry I didn’t take my initial hypno training from you. You are quite the instructor and I’ve learned so darn much from taking your courses.”   Jan Weir, CHT


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