Age Regression CE Course

Age Regression

~12.5 CE hours

The Age Regression & Inner Child Home Study Course offers 12.5 CE hours for hypnotherapists  age regression, hypnosis
Complete the exam and turn in three practice sessions to receive your certificate.

Complete the exam and turn in two practice sessions using age regression and hypnosis to receive your certificate.

Pre-requisite: hypnotherapy training

Course description: Learn how to safely regress your clients to the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) to resolve their current problem. This course teaches you a non-leading method of regression as well as covers some basic information about developmental stages. Scripts are included to guide you as you learn the process.

We have included the highlights of this two day training so that you can learn in the comfort of your own home. No travel, no hotels, no hassle.

Online version available

Click here for an interesting case history

From the manual, page 9

Regression is a powerful technique. Because of the danger of ‘implanting memories,’ it is extremely important that the hypnotherapist never lead the client. Second, regressions can get very emotionally active, so the client needs a safe place or sanctuary. Remember to discuss a “safe place” with your client prior to hypnosis. A safe place should be a place filled with peaceful, calming imagery – perhaps somewhere your client went on vacation or a fantasy place filled with beauty and peace. Learn the phrase, “The scene fades as you tend to your breathing.”

An abreaction is a spontaneous release of subconscious emotions., e.g. crying, screaming, shaking. Not everyone experiences an abreaction and it is not something to fear as it facilitates the healing process. Always monitor the client carefully and if needed, use the phrase, “The scene fades as you tend to your breathing.” Or you can lay your hand on their forehead and say, “Clear your mind, let that go, think of nothing at all.”

Is regression real or symbolic? Clients are recalling their perception of the event which feels very real and can also be symbolic. Many people have experienced a natural and spontaneous regression, for example “our song” or certain scents.

Regression is useful for fears, mood problems, anger problems, chronic conditions, depression, motivation, allergies, compulsions, smoking cessation, and much more.


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Deluxe Edition

In addition to the material above, the Deluxe Edition includes a 60 minute session with the instructor to discuss problematic clients or for a personal age regression session. Appointment in person, via Zoom or phone. A $130 value. 1 CE hour for hypnotherapists.


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