Parts Therapy in Action – Using Submodalities

Parts therapy is one of the most powerful modalities in my toolbox. We all have parts. I’m not referring to body parts here but parts of our personality. Have you ever said to someone, “a part of me really wants to take that new job but another part is afraid to make...

6 Areas Hypnotherapy Can Help PTSD

6 Areas Hypnotherapy Can Help PTSD In reading Joan Courtney’s book, PTSD: A Guide to the Basics, I was reminded of just how prevalent this condition has become. When I hear the term I first think about combat veterans. Simply looking at the definition tells us that it...

Develop Your Inner Teacher

Speaking of intuition (in my last blog), if you practice self hypnosis or meditate, start requesting help from your subconscious. For those of you in other holistic fields, find a qualified hypnotherapist and request a trade to learn self hypnosis. It is a tool that...

Build your practice by teaching

I have been teaching since 1989. I like teaching because I get to do most of the talking, I get to tell people what to do, and my students laugh at my jokes!  When I completed hypnotherapy school, I faced the same dilemma as everyone else. How was I going to attract...

Are Your Walls Guarded by Dragons?

This article and free script is from a previous newsletter. If you would like to receive the full newsletter, you can sign up for my list on the first page of this site. You will receive a monthly newsletter. What holds us back? Do other people keep us down or do we...