Claiming Your Space

By Katherine Zimmerman After much discussion, this client’s goal translated into claiming her space, starting with claiming her internal space and feeling comfortable in her body. I’m always fascinated at how we can start a process and follow the client’s lead to...

Say “Yes” to Life

Working with this client is always delightful. She is a licensed practitioner at a local spiritual center. As she is studying to become a minister, she’s finding that new issues are bubbling to the surface. She described her issue with a series of questions, “How do I...

The Biggest “Aha”

Who couldn’t benefit from an increase in confidence? This client has steadily been making progress as she clears out blocks from her childhood and accesses her core strengths. After six sessions she reported that she’d had a big “aha”: She had...

Case History: I Feel Like Gold

Future Pacing in Action The traditional wording for future pacing is “go to a time in your future when this lack of acceptance would have been a problem and see if you can find it or maybe you cannot.” I have found that the following method of progression is equally...

EFT, Hypnosis address fear of flying

This is Steve’s second session for fear of flying. He reported feeling more relaxed about the trip until about a week before he was due to leave to join his family for a vacation in Europe. His anticipation about this vacation was overshadowed with excessive worry...